"The difference between classy and trashy is timing and planning." - David Crowe

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Just some random stuff.

Onion headline that wasn’t:
“Caucus allows Iowans to bask in false sense of self-importance.”

Fun with spell check:
We have all had our spell check point out a proper name as a questionable word and offer up some alternative. Today, while typing out an email about the Iowa Caucus results, spell check offered up some amusing/unfortunate ‘did you mean?’s.

Obama : Did you mean Osama?
Huckabee: Did you mean Chickadee?

My thoughts on the closing of I-64:
Get over it people. Yes, it will be rough for a few weeks. But we will all adapt and things will be fine. Oh and maybe think of trying Metrolink.

A new pitcher:
Overall, I would say it seems like a pretty good move for the Cardinals to sign Matt Clement. He seems like a solid, dependable, average pitcher when he is healthy. You can never have too many of those. I will miss Jimmy half-shirt, So, and little Eck. However, I expect the Cardinals will be fine again in a year or so.


Blogger ~stacey~ said...

No more shouts of "Nice catch, Jimmy Ballgame!" or "Pool party at Jimmy Half-Shirt's after the game!"

This saddens me.

8:54 AM


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