"The difference between classy and trashy is timing and planning." - David Crowe

Monday, October 25, 2004

Wow I made it to 24, who whould have thought?

Well here I sit the morning of October 25th, 2004, reflecting on the fact that I have survived 24 years on this planet. I guess at this time of the year different people wonder different things.

I'm sure some wonder whether or not the world is better for their being in it. That really isn't something I concern myself with. Not that I am so sure of my importance or anything. I just don't think that it is my place to judge that about myself. I don't see how one can be objective about their own life, and so you would certainly give your self too much credit for some things and overlook other things you've done to make the world better. (ala "It's a Wonderful Life")

Others I suppose wonder if they have achieved what they wanted to over the previous year. This is something I can relate to without a doubt. I am certainly not where I hoped to be at this point a year or a couple of years ago. At least not in terms of income, living conditions, career success, fitness level, heck even in what books I've read. But that's ok too. I can't say that I feel like I wasted the last year. I met some good people, generally had a good time, and been relatively productive with my time.

That being said, my question for the day is : "What is it that holds us in place? Particularly after organized education ends." I've seen, and have been (or am) an example of, some people who seem to just stop their forward progess once they're done with school. Essentially the same job, income, routine, education and life. I guess it is just much easier at school. You go in everyday do your work and each year your are advanced to the next level. No starting fresh no demotions. You do not have to start all over at grade 1 if you move to a new school etc. Not so in the "real world". It seems as though much more active effort, motivation, and drive is needed to advance in life.

Oh well I'm getting the hang of it. Maybe by age 30 I'll have figured this thing out. Until then, "Would you like fries with that?"


Blogger ~stacey~ said...

amen to all that, becker. happy birthday!

10:36 AM


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