Best fans in baseball, yeah sure.

Some thoughts from the Cardinals game yesterday.
- What I've been told is true, the upper deck seats are too narrow and the rows too long. I know it is more the fan's fault than the stadium designer's problem, but the architects should realize that the average American baseball fan is widening, the seats should not be narrowing.
- I cannot for the life of me figure out why these opposing managers keep giving Albert Pujols a chance to beat them. During the seventh inning of yesterdayss game, the Astros had a 1-0 lead. The Cardinals had one man on base with two outs and a full count to Jonny Load with Pujols on deck. I said, out loud even, "They have to challenge Rodriguez, they can't give Albert a chance to bat in this situation." But sure enough they walk Jonny and Albert smacks a three-run homer.
Not that I am complaining but will these guys ever learn?
- I am impressed by the number of seats in the new Busch that end up under cover during a fair portion of the game. Plenty of shade for those hot July and August day games.
- In reference to my post's title, St. Louisans love to talk about how the Cardinals have the best and most knowledgable fans in baseball. Well in a general sense that may very well be true but I can't say for sure. Yet why is it that I have to sit in front of a 'redneck woman' who says things like, "Whoa that is out of here!" on fly balls to the shallow outfield? Or "Oh we really need some runs right now this is really bad." when the score is only 1-0. Or "They are moving slow there are still eight innings left in the game." when the game is in the fourth inning.
I realize I am no Peter Gammons (after all he is in the Hall of Fame and I'm not) but that becomes a little annoying after a while.
I miss St. Louis baseball! Can't wait for them to come down to AZ and play the D-Backs. :) Hey, that would be a good time for you to visit me...hint, hint. :)
4:07 PM
We've discussed exactly that believe it or not.
4:14 PM
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