Tiki Barrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrr
I don't know how many of my intrepid readers are "up" on some of the newer tech trends like podcasting or I Tunes or IPTV .

Tiki Bar TV is first and foremost, irreverent and non-sensible. It features a main cast of three characters.
-The knowledgeable and impressive drink recipe specialist Dr. Tiki. M.D. PhD. USB.
-The cool and relaxed mixologist Johnny Johnny.
-And the talented La La.
These three energetic and wild characters share their amazing adventures at the Tiki Bar with the world. In addition, they take time each episode to share at least one drink recipe with their lowly (and probably unemployable) audience.
These drink are not your normal Long Island Tea as they feature names like:
- The Red Ocktober
- London Fogcutter
- The Volcano

Tiki Bar TV
- 1 oz Monty Python
- 1 oz Saturday Night Live
- Splashes of hot girl
- 8 oz Poor out of work actors
Shake till exhausted and serve over periods of boredom and listlessness.
They currently rank as the # 1 podcast at the I Tunes Music Store so I must not be the only dullard watching.
If you have access to I Tunes you should check them out. It is free afterall.
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