Randomness returns
Well I haven't posted in a bit so here is some more stream of consciousness.
- To copy off of something I heard pointed out by Brian McKenna, have you ever noticed that EVERY TIME you go into a Quiktrip someone is mopping the floor. I mean every single time. Do they have a designated mopper or do they take turns.
- I saw four scooters today. Four! And I don't mean kids or teenagers tooling around on little toys but real adults riding around on honest-to-goodness modern scooters instead of cars. Four in one day is a record for me. Maybe the high gas prices really are having an effect on soceity's driving habits.
- Fantasy football makes me so happy.
- I am a member of too many corporate programs (frequent customer, frequent flyer, frequent stayer) there are just too many passwords and account numbers to keep up with.
- I don't know why everyone doesn't use Firefox yet.
- I'm geeking out too much about the new Transformers movie. The fanboy in my is excited even though the moive-snob knows that Michael Bay will likely mess it up.