"The difference between classy and trashy is timing and planning." - David Crowe

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Time Lapse Photography

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Auggie Smith at the Funny Bone

Auggie Smith will be at the Funny Bone in Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO from Jan 16th-21st.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Too much of the king

So apparently today was Elvis's birthday. I say apparently because there is no way I care enough about that kind of thing to know it without being told.

As I drove from from class tonight there was a 'double-shock!!' of Elvis to begin Joe Hipperson's Hip Nights show on 550. First there was a poor cover of C.C. Rider and then a love version of Hounddog I think. These just weren't very good songs and it reminded me of how I don't understand the obsession our culture has with Elvis. If you have to talk about him at least play the good stuff.

No matter how great the man was, our society (and his estate) have just turned him into a comical caricature of himself. Plus there are two days that we are supposed to 'celebrate' him each year. The day of his birth and day of his death. I don't want to make a religious statement here, but that is the same number of days many of us celebrate Jesus life.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Just some random stuff.

Onion headline that wasn’t:
“Caucus allows Iowans to bask in false sense of self-importance.”

Fun with spell check:
We have all had our spell check point out a proper name as a questionable word and offer up some alternative. Today, while typing out an email about the Iowa Caucus results, spell check offered up some amusing/unfortunate ‘did you mean?’s.

Obama : Did you mean Osama?
Huckabee: Did you mean Chickadee?

My thoughts on the closing of I-64:
Get over it people. Yes, it will be rough for a few weeks. But we will all adapt and things will be fine. Oh and maybe think of trying Metrolink.

A new pitcher:
Overall, I would say it seems like a pretty good move for the Cardinals to sign Matt Clement. He seems like a solid, dependable, average pitcher when he is healthy. You can never have too many of those. I will miss Jimmy half-shirt, So, and little Eck. However, I expect the Cardinals will be fine again in a year or so.