Thoughts from a weekend of sports watching

Someone pointed out to me that all of the Italian players looked like that not-quite-trustworthy greeter at the Olive Garden.
I did learn some things about soccer:
When a typical footballer does something that is against the rules he commits a “foul”. When an American player breaks a rule he commits an “Act of imperialist aggression that must be checked for the good of the free world”.
FIFA rules stipulate that whenever a player has a legitimate chance to score “offsides” must be called. This is a cryptic penalty that mainly just provides the opposing team an opportunity to rest and prevent being scored on. This is done to keep scoring down because FIFA scorekeepers cannot count beyond 4.
Female soccer fanatics are equivalent to rock star groupies. Want proof? Check out the "most emailed photos section of the World Cup website.Soccer players hate shirts. Whenever a soccer players scores, wins, loses, almost scores, or has a significant thought his first inpulse is to rip off his shirt. In fact, throughout the game, players will often tug on each others jerseys. This not to cheat or establish position. It is sportmanship. As if to say, "I know this horrible shirt bothers you so let me comfort you during our contest." A beautiful sentiment indeed. Maybe this is why women like soccer players.

I have been really impressed by the quality of play I have seen while watching the Stanley Cup Finals. I’m no fan of the Edmonton Oilers or the Carolina Hurricanes. Heck before I started watching this series I could name no more than four players on either team. However the play has been fast-paced, exciting, and surprisingly hard hitting. With the NHL’s new rules in place (actually it is more because of their actually ENFORCING old rules) these games have been exceptional.
There hasn’t been any fighting but that is fine by me. Fighting is for the regular season. Fights are fun to see now and then. However in my honest opinion the “fans” who think it is not a true hockey game without a fight are simply rednecks.
I know the ratings for the finals have been low. They have been low enough to be joked about by the likes of Jay Leno in fact. But I think that is to be expected considering last year’s lockout and the general invisibility of the NHL nowadays.
But if the quality of play stays this high I’m sure the NHL will return to a place of prominence in American sports before long.
The most interesting thing I saw was just before game 6 on Saturday night. Traditionally in games where
1 Comments: players......yummy. ;) Hope you are doing well--keep me up to date on my favorite teams--I miss them so.
5:24 PM
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